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  1. 10 years ago


    May 2014

    2.1. Statistical analysis
    SCE and MN results are expressed as mean±S.E.M. Values at different times in the same group were compared by Wilcoxon paired t test. P values equal to or lower than .05 were considered statistically significant.
    3. Results
    The mean SCE frequencies were 7.52±0.27 after TAE684 exposure and 6.25±0.17 after vacation (Table 1). The difference between the radiation and vacation samples was statistically significant (Patomic weight o.OccupationAge (years)GenderSCE frequency per cell
    Before exposureAfter exposure
    1Medical doctor43Male5.65±0.266.20±0.44
    2Medical doctor44Male6.70±0.157.28±0.59
    3Medical doctor29Male6.15±0.116.80±0.32
    4Medical doctor31Female4.85±0.237.20±0.17
    5Medical doctor31Male6.56±0.346.70±0.18
    6Medical doctor41Male6.70±0.578.10±0.68

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