Facebook Marketing

  1. 10 years ago


    May 2014

    Facebook is more than just a go-to website for all of those status updates from friends and family, funny cat videos, and questionable political posts. Facebook Marketing is also a very powerful tool for businesses of all sizes to use in their marketing strategy--and it doesn't have to cost thousands of dollars in marketing budget, either. Facebook marketing has become a beast in itself, something different from Google and keyword marketing as well as most other forms of social media marketing. And, it is widely considered a staple for any business, so creating a Facebook strategy is a must. Contrary to popular belief, marketing on Facebook still follows the same rules and tips of any other type of online marketing. The social network of over one billion active users worldwide is the undisputed king of the social networks and luckily for you, buyer personas and demographics still play a big part in Facebook marketing.
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    Facebook Marketing: Before The Update
    Most businesses dive into social media management on Facebook head first without much thought of a campaign or strategy. Unfortunately, that means many strategies will fail and turn off many businesses from the prospects of Facebook marketing, which is why you need to develop a solid plan before that status update is posted. All of the social networks have their major demographics, Facebook is no different. The majority of the demographics are segmented between older adults (your parents, for example) and the younger generation. Though all sorts of people use Facebook, it is good to consider these demographics in your own plan. If you're aiming for a younger demographic then your Facebook page needs to reflect that

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